Natural Misting S.r.l. pursues an improvement policy ensuring:


The goals of Natural Misting S.r.l. are:

  • being and being acknowledged as a reliable supplier by our customers ensuring safe, efficient and lasting products in terms of: technical characteristics of purchased products, quality of service provided, compliance with requisites agreed upon with our customers and lawfulness;
  • consolidating and improving our market position to enable a continuous commercial growth and continuous technical innovation, with an increase of profits;
  • being constantly aware of new scientific and technological developments also consulting ethical sector codes;
  • being embedded in the social network where it is active creating new employment opportunities and improving (by adopting new techniques and limiting waste) environment friendliness, respecting climate and nature and becoming ever more responsible for environmental issues.

Embeddedness in the social context is implemented also by stressing the ethical side of our business and dealing with hygiene and health implications, by seeking innovative solutions and carrying out professional technical interventions to ensure the well-being of customers and employees.

In order to achieve the afore-mentioned goals, Natural Misting S.r.l. has decided to implement a quality management system compliant with the UNI EN ISO 9001/2015 standard in compliance with legal, environmental and ethical requirements. The Company’s know-how has evolved, developed and consolidated during the years in which the company has been active. This is why the Management has always considered Service Quality and Product Quality as an important part of its strategy and has promoted, at all levels, a constant and lasting commitment.

A careful market analysis, a process-based approach and a strategic planning of resources enable the company to offer quality products and services that can satisfy customer needs and deal with risks and opportunities connected to its environment and goals.

Managers and staff of Natural Misting have fully embraced the company’s philosophy, adopting as further goal the full disclosure of these principles to customers.

Management is committed to:

  • Support and disclose quality policy in all company departments/branches;
  • Promote interactive communication: an element that defines a flow of information directed both to and from the company, in order to provide an effective control of risk factors;
  • Ensure to all staff a serene, professional and growth-oriented work environment;
  • Define specific goals and achievement indicators;
  • Monitor results periodically;
  • Identify improvement opportunities for products and services;
  • Continue to support “plastic free” and “stop food waste” projects, involving customers and staff, spreading the notion that fresh, nutritious and well-preserved produce contributes to the reduction of food waste;
  • Raise customer and staff awareness of achievable environmental benefits


For further information you can write to our dedicated mail


Milano, 09.03.2022

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